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X-Headstage™ + Electrode vs Active Probe

May 13, 2022

X-Headstage™ + Electrode vs Active Probe

One key advantage of having an ultra-small headstage is the ability to embed, or dental cement, the headstage together with the electrode to form an active implant. An active implant is a neural interface with integrated electronic circuitries for amplifications, filtering, multiplexing, etc. Active implants offer far more robust noise rejection against motion artifacts and produce a cleaner signal with a lower noise floor. 

No wonder commercial probe manufacturers like NeuroNexus Technologies and Diagnostic BioChips have begun offering probes with integrated Intan chips. This type of electrode generally costs a bit more and becomes especially expensive when considering it is disposable. 

The X-Headstage™ solution offers a more cost-effective alternative to those offered by the commercial probe vendors in the long run.  The X-Headstage™ is designed and validated to be re-usable.

Cost aside, the X-Headstage™ with the electrode installed is even smaller than the active silicon probes currently available.  The heart of the X-Headstage™ is a SiP (system in package) like chip package specifically designed to allow more efficient integration of components. Silicon probes can be easily adapted to work with the X-Headstage™ by replacing the probe board with more miniature, cheaper connectors that mate with the X-Headstage™.   

The X-Headstage™ enables researchers who make their electrodes to transform their otherwise passive implants into active designs. With KonteX’s ecosystem of connectivity accessories, the X-Headstage™ solution enables even more flexible implant possibilities, such as accessing multiple implants in different regions through a singular cable solution.