May 13, 2022
How to embed and recover the X-Headstage™?
Embedding the X-Headstage with the electrode could improve recording quality and animal handling. The most significant barrier for many to adopt this technique is overcoming the re-usability concern. Here are some tips that might help.
Electrodes and various implanted devices are often anchored on the skull using dental acrylic.
Recovering the X-Headstage™ means separating the headstage, and ideally the electrode, from the acrylic at the end of the experiment, likely after the brain has been perfused and extracted. Dental acrylic can be softened and dissolved by acetone. Leaving the extracted implant overnight will soften the acrylic enough to be peeled and broken off from the X-Headstage™. To minimize particles from clogging the connector pins during the soaking/detaching stage, applying a thin layer of Vaseline around the X-Headstage probe connectors during the embedding step is recommended. Also, during the application and dissolving step, it is a good practice to plug in the cable to prevent accidentally dripping acrylic into the connector.
Embedding the X-Headstage™
Recovering X-Headstage™